Saint Peter’s Key
Has Set You

The Ark of the Covenant and the Christos Logos have been activated by the deployment of the first of St Peter’s Keys Holiness can now walk the earth – Hallelujah!

Christian Australia is a living Miracle.

The old Earth has been encapsulated by the new Golden Arch of the new Heaven, the seal was completed by Christ, just a few days ago, his face is now in the world

Hallelujah, we are saved!

All Christians on planet Earth, today have the God Rod full of miracles, just activate the Christed energy this miraculous energy is the same for both male and female, however the living information and its expression is universally different.

The men are gifted this golden light of Heaven. Heavenly man is with us again. Woman are gifted the Golden Vortex of Paradise and all its living information contained there within.

You are all healed equally,
You are resurrected equally,
and your love will be everlasting.